Lithuanian Language for Ukrainians

Working together for an inclusive Europe

The Department of Lithuanian Studies at the Faculty of Humanities has implemented a project funded by the European Social Fund Agency titled “Lithuanian Language Training for Ukrainian Refugees Who Have Fled Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine.” The project was financed by the 2014–2021 European Economic Area and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms Bilateral Cooperation Fund.

The goal of the project was to promote the integration of Ukrainian war refugees, reduce social exclusion, and provide them with broader and more flexible opportunities to learn the state language and feel that they are contributing to Lithuania’s development.

One of the tasks of this project was to ensure that the activities carried out during the project have long-term
value and help a larger number of Ukrainians learn the language. Therefore, a learning tool specifically designed
for Ukrainians was being created as part of the project. It will be publicly available online, providing them with the
opportunity for independent learning.

Interesting Facts:

  • Around 220 Ukrainians were participating in Lithuanian language and culture courses.
  • Courses were conducted in Kaunas, Vilnius, and online, with 11 study groups.
  • The courses are taught by 11 Lithuanian language instructors and 8 sociocultural lecturers.
  • Over the course of the project, a total of 314 lectures were delivered, with a combined duration of 980 hours.

Head of the project’s partner section: assoc. prof. dr. Laura Kamandulytė-Merfeldienė,

After the project, Ukrainians can continue studying Lithuanian language at Vytautas Magnus University as free-movers by paying 200 EUR for the whole semester studies. In order to see available times and register, please contact Ms. Greta Garnytė