About the faculty

© Annette Mück

Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Humanities at VMU! Here you can meet our faculty members, find information about our study programs, research projects as well as the information on the current events at the faculty and our plans for the future.

The Faculty of Humanities is an academic environment where old traditions of the university merge with modern history, philosophy, philology and culture studies. We are proud of our versatility and happy to be a place where discussions in various languages can take place, where different cultural experiences fit together, and where ideas can be shared and put into practice in a friendly atmosphere.

Students of Humanities, unlike anyone else, understand the challenges, arising in contemporary society and culture, which cannot be solved only by applying narrow professional skills or technologies. Our responsibility is to provide the students with tools that are necessary for their professional success; however, learning how to work in a team, communicating freely, being creative and always seeking wisdom, is as important. By uniting the strengths of our communities, i.e. professors and students, teachers and pupils, foreign colleagues and social partners, we can contribute to the creation of a harmonious and socially responsible society.

If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas – let us talk.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rūta Eidukevičienė