
Open Call for T4EU Student Initiatives

The Transform4Europe Alliance (T4EU) invites students from VMU and other T4EU universities to join up into teams and create initiatives that will improve collaboration, cooperation, and sustainability of T4EU, as well as benefit general well-being on the university level. International teams made ...

The 7th General ILLA Conference

THE 5th ILLA FOCUS CONFERENCE ON FORENSIC LINGUISTICS Title: Language as evidence Date: 2 September 2025 THE 7TH GENERAL ILLA CONFERENCE Title: Language and Law in an Age of Uncertainty and Transition Date: 3-5 September 2025 Hosted by The Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Law, Vytaut...

Alumni of the Faculty of Humanities to Discuss Liberal Arts and Employability at Vytautas Magnus University’s Alumni Day

As part of the traditional Alumni Day on November 8th, Vytautas Magnus University is organizing a hybrid discussion titled “Liberal Arts: Navigating Careers, Personal Growth, and the AI Era.” This discussion aims to unite our international alumni and current students to explore the relevance of a li...

The 25th Lithuanian language and culture summer course have started

The 25th Lithuanian language and culture course anniversary organized by the Faculty of Humanities and the Academy of Education and supported by the Education Exchanges Support Foundation was solemnly opened at Vytautas Magnus University on July 8th. It was Dr. Ineta Dabašinskienė idea 25 years ago,...

Interview with Dr. Angela D. Arndt about the specific qualities of Lithuanian, the character of Lithuanians and her experience at VMU organizing a Lithuanian language and culture course

Dr. Angela E. Arndt was born in Detroit, Michigan, and now she lives in a little town called Rising Sun, Indiana, which is in the middle of the US. Her field of work is educational research to increase diversity in STEM engineering– Angela is a program evaluator who works with National Science Found...

International scientific conference “Monastic Life in Lithuania: History and Perspectives”

We invite you to participate in the international scientific conference "Monastic Life in Lithuania: History and Perspectives" dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the foundation of the Benedictine Monastery in Kaunas.  The conference will take place on 30-31 May in the Aula Magna of Vytautas Magn...